There are a few items around the house that can be a danger to your dogs.

There are a few items around the house that dog owners should be aware may be very hazardous to your fur kids. Some of the most commonly reported problems involve exposure to the following products.

  • Chocolate contains both caffeine and theobromine. These are broken down much more slowly in dogs than humans. The type of chocolate, amount eaten and the size of the dog will determine the level of toxicity. If milk chocolate is eaten by a large dog signs may be limited to vomiting and diarrhoea. Larger amounts of milk chocolate and darker chocolate are more dangerous. Convulsions, coma and even death may result if consumed. Keep your chocolate stashes out of reach of your pets and be very careful around Easter time.  
  • Other human food including grapes, raisins, onions and garlic can be fatal if eaten by your pet. Xylitol is a non-caloric sweetener. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar levels leading to disorientation, seizures and even death. Emergency veterinary treatment will be necessary if any of these human foods are eaten.
  • Mouse and rat poisons contain toxins that lead to uncontrolled bleeding. It may take a few days before signs including weakness, nose bleeds, trouble breathing or bruises develop in your pet. Treatment is essential if any amount of poison is consumed.
  • Tick and flea products if administered incorrectly can lead to poisoning. Never apply more than one product at a time. Never use products made for dogs on cats. These toxins cause overactive muscle stimulation leading to muscle tremors, seizures, hyper salivation, trouble walking and breathing.
  • Human medications that contain ibuprofen like Neurofen and Myprodol are very harmful to your dog. These drugs damage the stomach and intestinal lining and lead to gastric ulcers, internal bleeding and kidney damage. Acetomniophen (Asprin) can be fatal if given to cats. Never give animals human medication unless you have checked with your vet first.
  • Veterinary Medications can be dangerous if given incorrectly. Owners may administer pain killers like Rimadyl and Petcam at a higher dose. Medication can also be accidentally eaten by other animals in the house. Overdoses of this medication can lead to gastric ulcers and kidney damage. Always follow the dosage instructions given by your vet and keep pet medications locked away.
  • Household Cleaners including drain, pool and toilet cleaners can lead to various problems. These range from disorientation, damage to the nose and throat to skin and eye irritation. If consumed by your pet you should never induce vomiting! These products will burn and damage the oesophagus (food pipe). You need to get your animal to the vet for treatment.
  • Fertilizers or lawn products are often a source of toxicity in summer and spring. Usually these products only cause mild stomach upsets however larger amounts that contain insecticides can be much more harmful. Animals should not be exposed to these products when they are being applied to your lawn.
  • Silica gel packets and oxygen absorbers can be found in new shoes, purses and dehydrated food products. These are often reported to have been eaten by pets. The silica packets are not usually a concern however oxygen absorbers contain elemental iron granules and can lead to iron poisoning.
  • Various garden plants can prove toxic to your pet. Some plants including azaleas that may only cause mild stomach upsets while cycads, oleander and lilies may prove fatal if consumed by your pet.

Being aware of the potential hazards around your house will keep your pet safe and happy.

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