• Cats can hear better than humans and dogs and can hear up to 64 KHz, which is 1.6 octaves above the range of a human and is one of the best of all mammals.
  • Cats can move their bodies in one direction and point his ears in another.
  • Cats have a third eyelid (called the nictitating membrane) which rests at the corner of the eye and will cover the eye if protection is needed.
  • Cat’s ears can rotate to 180 degrees.
  • Most cats have a visual field of about 200 degrees.
  • The part of the brain responsible for emotions is the same in cats and humans.
  • Cats have about 100 different vocal sounds that they use to communicate with us.
  • Whiskers detect objects approaching the face. The cat will respond by blinking to protect his eyes.
  • Cats cannot see in total darkness but their eyes can function in about one-sixth of the light that humans need to see.
  • The whiskers can determine if the space they are about to enter will be big enough for them. They are also more than twice as thick as ordinary cat hair.
  • The nose pad of a cat is like a human’s fingerprint – each one is unique.
  • A cat’s sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than humans are.
  • The tip of the nose can also be used as a thermometer before eating food and is used to distinguish territories and to locate food or find mates.
  • A cat’s coat can protect him against the sun and rain and also some minor injuries.
  • ­­­­­Cats will raise their fur when frightened so that they appear larger than their enemy.
  • Claws remain in a protective sheath of skin and fur when the cat is relaxed, this prevents wear and allows the cat to walk silently when stalking his pray.
  • Domestic cats are the only of the feline species that can hold its tail vertically while walking.
  • The tail is an extension of the spin and also helps maintain balance.
  • Cats are either right pawed or left pawed.
  • Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws.
  • The thick pads on their feet act as shock absorbers when landing.
  • When a cat rubs against you, he/she is marking you with their scent.
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