Cats may mess in the house for various reasons, and understanding these reasons can help address and prevent this behaviour. One common cause is medical issues such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal problems. If a cat suddenly starts soiling outside the litter box, it’s crucial to rule out any underlying health issues by consulting a veterinarian.
Another reason cats may mess in the house is stress or anxiety. Changes in the household, such as moving to a new home, introducing a new pet or family member, or disruptions to their routine, can trigger stress-related behaviours like inappropriate elimination. Providing a safe and secure environment, maintaining a consistent routine, and offering plenty of enrichment and mental stimulation can help alleviate stress and reduce the likelihood of accidents.
Additionally, cats are territorial animals, and conflicts with other pets or perceived threats in their environment can lead to marking behaviour. Spraying or marking with urine is a natural way for cats to communicate and establish territory boundaries. Neutering or spaying can help reduce marking behaviour, as can providing plenty of vertical space, hiding spots, and resources to help cats feel secure in their territory.
In some cases, litter box aversion may be the culprit. Cats are notoriously finicky about their litter boxes, and they may avoid using them if they’re not kept clean, if the litter type or box style is unsuitable, or if the location is inconvenient or stressful. Regular cleaning, providing multiple litter boxes in different locations, and experimenting with different litter types can help encourage proper litter box usage and prevent accidents in the house.