Selecting the right food for your pet is no longer a case of playing Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe. Sure, there are plenty to choose from, and some are more visually appealing than others. It’s what is inside that counts, however, if your doggo is to live a long and healthy life.
When visiting a pet store or supermarket, pay attention to the label on the back of the package. More specifically, the claims and benefits that the food includes. If, for example, your chosen brand claims to promote healthy skin and coats, they’ll need to back it up.
If it is the case, the dog food should include omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, zinc, and healthy fats to name a few. Take note of labels that include ambiguous ingredients, or generalised terms. For example, they might list cereal as an ingredient. This means that the product includes maize and rice. The quantities of which can impact your dog’s health.
Protein and fat are two more nutrients that any high-quality pet food should include. The amount of protein should be relevant to the size and breed of your pooch. Healthy fats are a great inclusion, but too much or too little could have adverse effects.
We hear more about what to look out for when buying dog food from Complete Pet’s Technical Consultant, Carlos Neves in our latest video. Insert video.